Hear My Voice

A new website, Hear My Voice, was launched today. The goal of the site is to act as a platform through which all voices may be heard in a professional and respectful way.

The project began, as so many great collaborations do, with a concept and a conversation. Everyone wants a platform to share their opinions. Marginalized voices are not just those on the fringes. We can all feel marginalized at some point in a conversation. Is there a way to get everyone involved? How can we find out what students are thinking and feeling about the issues on and outside of our campus? Can we create a collaborative space where all voices are included?

Through the volunteer efforts of students, faculty and staff from across campus this platform provides a new space in which all are welcome to share their voice. Content includes relevant news and research, cultural resources and useful links.

Visit the site to learn more about the mission and vision of the group and the independent study course available for those who wish to engage in the project as a class. You can also visit the U of I Connections website to learn more about the Registered Organization.  Volunteers are also welcome.

group at website launch