2019 Marian and Barney Brody creative feature article writing awards

writingShow us your best work!

First Prize: $2,500
Second Prize: $1,500
Third Prize: $1,000

The Department of Journalism will honor graduate and undergraduate students judged to have reported and written the best feature articles in the last year. Articles will be judged on depth and texture of reporting, use of detail and description, narrative flow, the creation of vivid scenes, thematic point, overall mastery of style, language and tone, and general excellence.

We are now seeking entries of articles that were done in Journalism courses from March 2, 2018, through March 1, 2019. Faculty members or students may submit student articles for consideration. Individual articles or series are eligible. The articles may or may not have been published. Limit of 2 submissions (articles and/or series) per student.

Deadline to submit is March 10, 2019. Stories should be submitted in clean, readable, and double-spaced form to Jennifer Price by email (jajones6@illinois.edu) or hard copy (dropped off in 119 Gregory Hall). Be sure to include an email and phone number where you can be reached, especially if you are graduating. Also include the name of the professor/course for which you did the story.                                 

The awards will be announced at the College of Media’s scholarship and awards reception on April 6, 2019.