Faculty and graduate students from the College of Media participate in AEJMC conference

Faculty and graduate students in the College of Media participated in the annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) in Washington DC. The mission of AEJMC is to advance education, foster scholarly research, cultivate better professional practice and promote the free flow of communication. Illinois was well represented at the conference, with faculty and students from across the college presenting research, participating in or leading panels on teaching, research, professional practice and public policy.

Key Developments in Communication Law (Law and Policy division)
Ben Holden (Journalism)

Jan Slater (Advertising)
Keynote speaker at the Preconference session, “Women Faculty Moving Forward: Securing the Future”

“The Role of Risk, Efficacy, and Worry in College Students’ Health Insurance Information Seeking: Applying the Risk Perception Attitude (RPA) Framework”: Hyeseung Koh, Sara Champlin, and Amanda Mabry-Flynn (Advertising)

“Using Anger and Efficacy as a Strategy to Prevent Alcohol-Related Sexual Assault: Dissuading Female College Students from Excessive Drinking with Social Settings”: Jie (Doreen) Shen (Advertising, former M.S. student)

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Luncheon Teaching Panel: Getting Mobile Media Into Your Classroom
Panelist: Brant Houston (Journalism)

Research Panel: Media Branding Ecosystems
“The Internet Audience and the Online Media Ecosystem: Implications for Legacy Media Brands”: Harsh Taneja (Advertising)

“Stuck in the Myth of Model Minority: Representation of Self in Asian Indian Ethic Newspapers” (Discussant: Ahmed Orabi (Visiting Scholar, Journalism)

“Testing the Limits: Self-Endorsement in Ambient Intelligent Environments”: Kristy Hamilton, SeoYoon Lee, Un Chae Chung (ICR students) and Weizi Liu (M.S. Advertising)

“When Our Goals Set Our Biases: How Regulatory Focus Moderates Persuasion Knowledge and Third-Person Perception in Health Advertising”: Giang Pham (ICR student) and Chang Dae Ham (Advertising)

“How Anticipated Regret Messages Interact with Mood to Influence Purchase Intention”: Yanyun Wang (ICR student) and Sela Sar (Advertising)

Research Panel Session: “Has Feminist Communication Theory Changed Journalism and Mass Communication Research – and Should It?”
Panelist: Angharad Valdivia (Media and Cinema Studies)

Panel Session: “Ethical Issues Against a Backdrop of Disruption”
Moderating /Presiding: Stephanie Craft (Journalism)

“Leadership Matters: The Role of Values Congruence Between Leadership Styles and CSR Practice in Corporate Crises”: Jeesun Kim, Hyun Jee Oh, and Chang Dae Ham (Advertising)

“The Effects of Mood and Arousal on Information Searching and Processing on a Search Engine: Implications for Paid Search Ads” (Second Place Paper, Open Research Category)
Sela Sar (Advertising), George Anghelcev, Taylor Jing Wen, Chang Dae Ham (Advertising) and Jie (Doreen) Shen (former M.S. Advertising student)

“We Eat What We Can ‘Process’”: How Regulatory Fit Affects Consumers’ Evaluation of Front-of-package Food Label and Health Claim” ((Second Place Paper, Open Research Category), Giang Pham (ICR student) 
Discussant: John Wirtz (Advertising)

Law and Policy Division: Refereed Paper Session “First Amendment”
Moderating/Presiding: Benjamin Holden (Journalism)

Training Session: Vice Heads (Program Chairs)
Moderating /Presiding: John Wirtz (Advertising)