John Nerone
Ph.D., Notre Dame University (History)
Professor of Communications
Professor of Media and Cinema Studies
Nerone is the author or co-author of four books and numerous articles, including “Violence Against the Press: Policing the Public Sphere in U.S. History” (Oxford University Press, 1994), “Last Rights: Revisiting Four Theories of the Press” (University of Illinois Press, 1995), and, with Kevin Barnhurst, “The Form of News: A History” (Guilford Press, 2001), which won the Suzanne Langer Award of the Media Ecology Association and the International Communication Association’s Book of the Year Award. He also co-edits (with Robert W. McChesney) a book series on the History of Communication. His service as a faculty member has included several terms on the faculty senate, membership on the General Education Board, a full range of committees in the College of Media, and service as head of the ICR’s Program Evaluation Committee and as Placement Officer. His areas of interest include the history of communications, historical research methods, American culture.