Meet Visiting Photojournalist Chris Capozziello This Spring
In Spring 2019, photojournalist Christopher Capozziello, whose work has been published and exhibited worldwide, will be on the Illinois campus for an eight-week George A. Miller visiting artist residency. He has done extensive photographic work on breast cancer, heroin addiction, racism, cerebral palsy, and American Christianity. (Read our story about him.)
In addition to teaching "Photojournalism and Society," Capozziello will be presenting at these events:
Panel discussion sponsored by Disability Resources and Educational Services
Family Affair: Disability as a Shared Experience
Wednesday, Feb. 6, 7 p.m.
Student Dining and Residential Programs Building
Corner of Euclid Street and Gregory Drive, Champaign
Documentary Film Screening
The Distance Between Us
Tuesday, Feb. 19, 7 p.m.
The Art Theater
126 W. Church, Champaign
CAS/MillerComm Lecture
The Foreign and the Familiar: Photojournalism as Visual Ethnography
Wednesday, Feb. 20, 4 p.m.
Spurlock Auditorium
600 S. Gregory, Urbana
Exhibition Opening and Artist Lecture
The Distance Between Us
Lecture and opening: Thursday, Feb. 21, 5 p.m.
On display through Saturday, March 30
University Y Murphy Gallery
1001 S. Wright, Champaign
(Photo by Christopher Capozziello.)