Alice Ji


Research Interests

My research centers on the psychology of persuasion in digital media, with a particular focus on social media platforms. I investigate how consumers interpret and react to persuasive messages such as advertisements and health-related messages by brands and social media influencers. I am also interested in the effects of misinformation and their mitigation, as well as the impact of LLM conversational agents like GPT models on public opinion.

Recent Publications/Presentations

Liu, A. Y., Ji, A., Taneja, H., Nelson, M. R. (2024, March). "Industry Imaginary" and Fans’ Reactivity to Measurements: How Fans Negotiate with Cultural Industry Through Collective Data Manipulation. 2024 PCA National Conference, Chicago, US. 

Zhang, J. S., Ji, R., Shao, J., Su, L. Y.-F. (2023, August). A Systematic Literature Review of Health, Science, and Environmental Misinformation Correction on Social Media. Annual Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Washington, DC. 

Zhang, J. S., Ji, R., Shao, J., & Su, L. Y.-F. (2023, May). Effects of corrective messages on food safety-related misperceptions and behavioral intentions: The roles of message format, information source, and perceived credibility. Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA 2023), Toronto, Canada.

Courses Taught

  • Advertising 305: Adtech and the Digital World
  • Advertising 150: Introduction to Advertising
  • MACS 100: Intro to Popular TV & Movies

Awards and Honors

2023 Lynne Blanton Student Travel Award

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Alice Ji