Society of Professional Journalists

SPJ on the Quad

Q&A with Amanda Brennan, Journalism Student
President of Society of Professional Journalists

What makes the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) different from other RSOs?
We connect with alumni all the time, every meeting. That’s kind of my goal, to connect us with people in the field, so journalists can build those connections especially after we graduate U of I.

What goals do you have for SPJ?
I really want to keep building; we’re a pretty small RSO. We built last year, maybe 10-15 people coming to meetings. This year we’re kind of around the same numbers. 

How can students get involved in SPJ?
The College of Media website has information about us, you can find us on Instagram or Facebook, or you can just search "SPJ at UIUC"—all our information is on there. We always post before meetings, and you can just DM the accounts if you want a Zoom link or to meet us in person.

—Interview by Adelina Garcia, New Voices intern

SPJ 2021