AAA conference participants earn recognition

University of Illinois faculty and students from the Charles H. Sandage Department of Advertising received several awards at the 2018 annual conference of the American Academy of Advertising in New York City, March 22-25, 2018.

Journal of Advertising Best Article:
Vargas, Patrick T., Brittany R.L. Duff, and Ronald J. Faber (2017), “A Practical Guide to Experimental Advertising Research."

Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising Best Article:
Jing (Taylor) Wen, Sela Sar & George Anghelcev (2017), "The Interaction Effects of Mood and Ad Appeals on Type of Elaboration and Advertising Effectiveness."

Joseph T. Yun, 2018 dissertation grant award (Adviser: Brittany Duff)
Regina Ahn, Visiting “Future” Professor, AEF-AAA 2018 summer program  

Congratulations to these award winners and to Michelle Nelson who served as president of the organization this past year.


The department was well-represented at the conference.

Papers presented included:
From Dislikes to Likes: The Future of Digital Advertising
Paying Attention: Ethical Implications for Strategizing Attention
Brittany Duff

Cause-Related Advertising
Can We Find the Right Balance in Cause-related Marketing? Analyzing the Boundaries of Balance Theory in Evaluating Brand-cause Partnerships
Joseph Yun, Brittany Duff, and Patrick Vargas

Augmented and Virtual Reality
Does Device Matter in VR Advertising? Perception and Memory of Virtual Reality Branded Content
Yanyun Wang, Jie Shen, Rachel Yang, Chen Chen, Mike Yao, and Michelle Nelson

Health Communication
Advertising that Comforts: The Effects of Person-centeredness and Motivation to Process in Health Promotion Advertising
Giang Pham and John Wirtz

Media Planning
Double Jeopardy In The Long Tail: Audience Behavior In the Age of Media Fragmentation
Harsh Taneja

Corporate Social Responsibility
A Double-Edged Sword? The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Corporate Crises: Applications of Assimilation-Contrast Effects and Attribution Theory
Akua Nyarko and Chang Dae Ham

Message Effects
Exploring the Distractor Devaluation Effect for Both External (Advertisement) and Internal (Mind Wandering) Distractors, and Other Related Traits
Yilin Ren and Kevin Wise

Panel moderators included:
Academic-Industry Panel & Luncheon
Will Advertising and Marketing be Replaced by Robots?

Michelle Nelson, AAA President

Social Media Part Deux
Sela Sar

Green Advertising
John Wirtz

Children and Advertising
Michelle Nelson

Corporate Social Responsibility
Jacqueline Hitchon