Faculty and students participate in International Communications Association conference
A number of faculty and students from the College of Media are participating in the 67th annual International Communications Association conference May 25 – 29, 2017. Kevin Wise, association professor of advertising and director of graduate studies for advertising, serves as the Information System Division chair.
ICA is an academic association for scholars interested in the study, teaching, and application of all aspects of human and mediated communication. ICA began more than 50 years ago as a small association of U.S. researchers and is now a truly international association with more than 4,500 members in 80 countries.
Preconference: 8th Annual Doctoral Consortium of the Communication and Technology Division
Respondent: Mike Z. Yao
Social Media, Privacy and Security
Communication and Technology
The Impacts of Privacy Hypocrisy, Victim Characterization, Gender, and Context on Bystanders’ Guilt Attribution in a Cyberbullying Suicide
Mike Z. Yao and Yixin Zou
Bias, Cues, Judgment and Decision Making
Information Systems
Judging a Book by Its Cover: The Influence of Sponsorship and Technical Heuristics on Online Video Evaluation
Xiaohan Hu and Mike Z. Yao
Information Systems Interactive Poster Session
Kevin Wise
The Influence of Visuals on Selective Exposure to Information
Sann Hee Ryu and Patrick Vargas
Semantics and Structure of Online Communication
Computational Methods
Are We Who We Follow? Analyzing Human Personality and Brand Following on Twitter
Joseph T Yun, Utku Pamuksuz, and Brittany R. L. Duff
Interacting with Robots and Agents
Mike Z. Yao
Gendering Globalization, Globalizing Gender Through Latinidad
Feminist Scholarship
Ethnicity and Race in Communication
Global Communication and Social Change
Spitfire Transition Tales: Can a U.S. Latin/a American Star Moved Beyond a Stereotype and if so How?
Angharad N. Valdivia
CAT Interactive Paper Session 3
Communication and Technology
Mike Z. Yao, U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Misunderstanding Media
Philosophy, Theory and Critique
James Hay
The Bigger Picture of Mobile Communication: Space, Time, and Art
Mobile Communication
Microcelebrity in the Age of Mobile Communication: Papi Jiang and her Performative Videos
Ke Li
The Use and Effects of New Media
Information Systems
Individual Differences in Mobile Apps Usage
Jiachen Yao and Kevin Wise
Reorienting Digital Media Studies: Global and Comparative Perspectives
Popular Communication
Global Communication and Social Change
Hacking Digital Universalism - Technological Futures and Networked Time at the Periphery
Anita Chan
CAT Interactive Paper Session 4
Communication and Technology
Perceived Closeness as a Moderator of Illusions of Knowledge From Internet Use
Kristy Hamilton and Mike Z. Yao
Message Processing and Effects: New Insights
Information Systems
Busy Pedestrians: How Media Message Complexity and Presentation Influence Street-Crossing Performance
Shili Xiong and Kevin Wise
How Different Types of Anticipated Regret Advertising Messages Interact With Mood to Influence Purchase Intention
Yanyun Wang and Sela Sar
New Perspectives on Newsworthiness
Journalism Studies
Public Relations
Unpublishing the News: An analysis of U.S. and South Korean Journalists’ Discourse About an Emerging Practice
Stephanie L. Craft, Hye Soo Nah and Regina J Ahn
Journalists’ Discourses About Journalism: Negotiating Professional Practices and Boundaries
Journalism Studies
Stephanie L. Craft
The Geopolitical Economy of China’s Cyber Power Strategy: Contexts, Strategies, and Rivalries
Global Communication and Social Change
Decoding the Wuzhen Summit: China and Global Internet Governance in a Post-Snowden Cyberspace
Hong Shen
Attention and Divided Attention
Information Systems
How Different Visual Metaphors Influence Resource Allocation and Memory for Advertisements
Kevin Wise, Shili Xiong, and Zongyuan Wang