
As you look for different talent to fulfill positions within your company, we are here to help you connect with University of Illinois students. The College of Media supports our students in finding positions by providing students with resources to prepare for the job and internship search, interview process, and prepare for a post-graduation career.  

The College of Media offers several majors including Advertising, Computer Science + Advertising, Journalism, and Media & Cinema Studies. There are different minors and certifications that students can also obtain including a Public Relations minor, Critical Film Production minor, SportMedia certificate, Sales certificate, and others. For more information about specific programs please visit Degrees and Programs in Media

If you and your company are interested in our College of Media students, there are several ways to promote your positions. Here at Illinois, we use Handshake @ Illinois for our students to conduct their own job search. Additionally, Illinois hosts different career fairs that employers are able to attend. Hire Illini will have a list of all the different career fairs at Illinois that you are able to attend to meet our students. 

If you have additional questions, please contact Media Career Services. 

Daniel Almanza, Assistant Director of Career Services
18 Gregory Hall, MC-477 | 810 S. Wright St. | Urbana, IL 61801
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
217-244-4329 | media-careerservices@illinois.edu