Nudo publishes book on journalism grad school experience at Illinois

Sal Nudo (MS '16, journalism) has released a new book on Amazon in which he recounts his experiences in graduate school in journalism at the College of Media: Learning Journalism Where Writers Rise: Four Enlightening Years in Graduate School at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. 

Nudo interviewed several past and current journalism faculty members at Illinois and added their thoughts in his book, including Swanlund Chair Professor of Journalism Leon Dash; Professor Emeritus Matt Ehrlich; Knight Chair Professor in Investigative and Enterprise Reporting Brant Houston; Associate Professor Emeritus Rich Martin, and Lecturer Jean McDonald.

He also interviewed and included three journalism classmates in his book: Jessica Elliott, Janelle O'Day, and Teryn Payne.

"I wrote this book to relate the values and practices of journalism for aspiring journalists, and for those who have an interest in the field," Nudo said. "This is a book on how to do a wide range of journalism right, with thoughts from scholars, practitioners, and former students who care about the field."

Nudo has published multiple books that are available on Amazon, including Far From Mars (2021), which contains nine creative nonfiction articles about individuals who live and work in Champaign-Urbana. Learn more.

Nudo book