Undergraduate Student Research

Undergraduate students have the opportunity to work closely with faculty and graduate students in research lab groups and through classes:

  • ADV 396: Research Experience in Advertising
  • ADV 496: UG Research Project

Students can also work on honors research projects through the James Scholar program.

Students on campus can earn a research certificate, which requires students complete coursework related to research. In Advertising, these are the courses that count toward that requirement:

  • ADV 281: Advertising Research Methods 
  • ADV 396: Research Experience in Advertising 
  • ADV 400: Special Projects (0 to 3 hours) – must be research project
  • ADV 484: Qualitative Research Methods in Advertising 
  • ADV 484: Quantitative Research Methods 
  • ADV 496: UG Research Project 

Students can also participate in the Undergraduate Research Symposium each spring.

Undergrad Research Symposium

Examples of past research projects at the Undergraduate Research Symposium include:

Bilingual Computational Analysis of the #nosabokid Hashtag Community on TikTok
Joshua Brown, Computer Science + Advertising

Combating Misinformation
Garima Sharma, Computer Science + Advertising

Here, There, Everywhere: Sense of Presence
Nancy Zhang, Computer Science + Advertising

The Impacts of Privacy Hypocrisy, Victim Characterization, Gender, and Context on Bystanders’ Guilt Attribution in a Cyberbullying Suicide
Yixin Zou, Advertising

Creating and Testing Virtual Reality (VR) for UIUC: Immersive Media & The Consumer
Aparna Sivasankaran, Advertising
Yixin Zou, Advertising

Mood Effects on Responses to Advertising
Emma Campanella, Advertising

Laptop Stickers May Act as a Proxy for Personality Traits
Armando Sanchez-Monsivais, Advertising

Has the Presence of Food Advertising Increased Childhood Obesity?
Anastasia Mourikes, Advertising

Nostalgia and Advertising 
Natalie Ang, Advertising

A Content Analysis of Food and Beverage Advertising on Children’s Television: Focus on Health Persuasion Techniques
John Balch, Advertising

Southside Cool
Allison Henreid, Advertising
Kyle Lee, Political Science
Hanna Udischas, Urban Planning

Revamping the Funk Center
Kieshana Beeler, Advertising

The Study of Gen Z’s Interaction with Social Commerce Advertisements
Kenna Hansen, Advertising
Evan Hawkins, Advertising
Grace Tessitore, Advertising